Canadian Personal Finance News | October 2013 [List]


Thanks for being here, you might notice by the title that we have changed the frequency of this Canadian Personal Finance News List. We made the change from weekly to monthly because we believe it will provide experience for you. One longer list is better than 4 shorter lists, this way all the information for each month will be in one place! So...

Here is a collection of some of the best news stories and blog posts dealing with personal finance in the month of October in Canada.

If you would like to make an addition to the list, please feel free, also let us know which stories you have read and what you thought of them!

Canadian Personal Finance News

Canadian Personal Finance Community

If you are looking for a little more engagement than liking the occasional post, please consider joining us in the Canadian Personal Finance Community on Google+. We would love to have you join the conversation there.

Previous Collections

If you are looking for some of our previous archives you can find them below.

Just want to say thanks Sandi Martin from Spring the Blog for helping me curate this list.
Sandi is awesome and her blog is definitely worth a read!

If you have any comments for us, please feel free to leave them in the comments section below!

OWN. GROW. PROTECT. First Foundation is the one-stop-shop for financially responsible Canadians looking to get great advice and save money. Whether arranging financing for a property you OWN, or looking…

Learn more about First Foundation