Mortgage Testimonials


We’re very fortunate to have worked with some outstanding people over the past seven years of offering mortgage brokerage services here in Alberta.

Oftentimes these people are kind enough to send us a thank you email or card to express their gratitude for the service we provide. These are truly cherished and give us a lasting sense of accomplishment, long after we’ve spent the commission cheques.

This business can eat you up and spit you out at times because it’s very competitive, very intense, very time-sensitive and we’re dealing with large sums of other people’s money – not to mention their homes – on a regular basis.

The testimonials we receive are the greatest reward we can hope for. I’ve recently updated our mortgage testimonials page to reflect some of the newest ones that have come in.

A sincere thanks to all of our customers for your business and your loyalty (whether you write us a testimonial or not)!

Gord and the team…

President of First Foundation Residential Mortgages and First Foundation Insurance. Live in Edmonton but cheer for the Riders. I have lots of kids. Follow me on Twitter @gordmccallum

Learn more about Gordon McCallum