Travel Insurance

What is Travel Insurance?

Going somewhere? You wouldn’t want to leave without your toothbrush, so why leave without the right travel insurance plan? For Canadian travelers, choosing the right travelers insurance plan is just as important as making sure your bags are properly packed. That’s why, at First Foundation, we do everything we can to help you find the best travel insurance policy for your needs and your budget. Our goal is to make our every one of our clients feel safe and secure no matter where their travels take them. So whether you’re traveling to a neighbouring province, planning a family vacation to Mexico, visiting Canada for the first time, or living in Canada as a landed immigrant, we can help you find the right travel insurance plan for your needs.

How Does Travel Insurance Work?

When you’re at home, most of your medical expenses are covered by your provincial medical plan. However, when you travel out of your home province or out of the country, many medical expenses will only be partially covered, or will not be covered at all. To make sure you can pay for medical needs such as hospital visits, doctor’s visits, and prescriptions when you’re traveling, you need coverage from a Canadian travel insurance policy. In addition, if you’re visiting Canada from another country, you can purchase a Canadian travel insurance policy to make sure your medical expenses will be taken care of while you’re here.

Buy Travel Insurance

Do I Need Travel Insurance?

If you have an extended health care plan through your employer, or if your credit card company provides travel protection, you may already have coverage for some basic travel medical expenses. However, there’s no guarantee that these policies will cover every type of medical expense you may incur while traveling. Before you set out on your trip, it’s a good idea to talk to an insurance advisor to determine whether or not you need to purchase additional travel insurance. In many cases, it will be advisable to top up your existing coverage with an appropriate Canadian travel insurance plan.

Travel Insurance Benefits

Not all travel insurance plans are created equal. Depending on your travel needs, you may be interested in a travel insurance package that includes features such as:

  • Trip cancellation coverage
  • Annual travel insurance coverage
  • Travel insurance coverage for seniors
  • 24-hour assistance

Interested to learn more about which travel insurance policy is right for you? Talk to one of our travel insurance advisors today or fill out the form below for your free Canadian travel insurance quote.

Last updated Jan 11, 2024