Eight Things To Do After Being Laid Off


Being laid off is always hard. Half a million Canadians filed for Employment Insurance in Canada last week due to the Covid-19 outbreak and Canadian Banks are predicting the largest economic contraction since the 1960s.

Thankfully there are some steps you can take that can help. Here they are:

  1. Stay calm. Don't make any rash financial decisions.
  2. Apply for Employment Insurance
  3. Take an inventory of your assets and liabilities to create a net worth statement.
  4. Review your health and dental benefits. These may or may not continue after you've been laid off.
  5. Prepare a budget. This will help you track your spending and income needs.
  6. Review your pension or severance options. If you had a pension with your previous employer you will need to have a plan for those funds. A First Foundation Financial Planner can help you understand your options and tax implications.
  7. Get your financial report card with a quick five-minute, fifteen-question assessment (new window)
  8. Speak with a professional. We're here to help. 1-866-702-7678. Ask for Tyler Pfeiffer in Edmonton and area, or Peter Marlin in Calgary and area.

Stay safe and healthy, and we can get through this together!

Born and raised in Alberta, Tyler is married to Tammy and they have two daughters, Megan & Hallie. When you ask him what takes up most of his time... he…

Learn more about Tyler Pfeiffer