Is it Getting Harder to Qualify for a Mortgage in Canada? YES | Find out Why


Gord McCallum and I set out to do a 3-5 minute video to discuss this question: is getting harder to qualify for a mortgage in Canada and if so, why? We were going to try and keep it pretty basic, but alas that is tough when you are talking about mortgage caps, lending volume restrictions, insurers, government and market cycles. I think we hit about an 7 outta 10 on the "heady' scale, however we did bring it back to earth and provided some solid takeaways for the average Canadian homebuyer.

Here is a link to the article Gord did on: "Why did CMHC Cap Mortgage Guarantees" It provides great background for the video below.

Canadian Mortgage Qualifications

Summary Quotes

Here are a couple of quotes from the video

"There is no doubt that it is getting harder to qualify for a mortgage in Canada" Jackson Middleton

"I believe we have come back around to reasonable lending practices" Gord McCallum

If you are looking for more information on getting ready for buying a home, here is a look at the home buying process. if you need more information, feel free to contact us anytime, we are here for you!

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