Small Business Finance and Charitable Giving | Because Money


Episode 6 Return of the Small Business Owner

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Small Business Finance

Quite the conversation about small business finance this week. The because money video podcast included the following topics!

  • Starting a business using credit cards.
  • Jumping in with both feet vs keeping your job and working into a new venture.
  • What is the personality profile of an entrepreneur?
  • What is a write off anyway?
  • Why small business owners have a unique currency called 'Unicorn Money" used for impulse buys.
  • How a budget and money management is essential for small business.
  • Do you actually own a business or do you work for yourself?

I certainly added to the conversation from personal experience on the 'what not to do side'. I have no problems sharing my failures publicly in hopes that it can help someone on their entrepreneurship journey!

Charitable Donations

According to an article called 'How to be Charitable on Less' published in the Financial post indicated that:

"Canadians (at 0.64%) gave a lower percentage of their aggregate income to charity than did Americans (at 1.33%)"

The article goes on to talk about some new programs that the Government of Canada has introduced to encourage charitable giving by Canadians. I thought I would add to that and suggest a couple charities you should consider giving to!

Compassion Canada

Compassion Canada
I absolutely love the work that Compassion Canada does. My wife and I have 5 sponsor children who we write to regularly. We also take part in a program called 'Gifts of Compassion' where we prefer to give to help families in developing nations start small businesses. This is an a la carte purchase rather than an ongoing monthly subscription for child sponsorship, which makes it great gift giving option!

If you are looking for that last minute Christmas gift, this is one of the most thoughtful things you can do!

"A Gift of Compassion is the perfect gift alternative for your friends, family, colleagues and clients—one that will help make a difference in the life of a child living in one of the poorest communities in the world. Your gift can provide clean drinking water, medical treatment, food supplies and much, much more for children and families served by Compassion."

Kiva Loans

Kiva Loans
In keeping with the theme of small business finance, Kiva is a non-profit organization with a mission to connect people through lending to alleviate poverty.

By leveraging the internet and a worldwide network of microfinance institutions, Kiva lets individuals lend as little as $25 to help create opportunity around the world. Once your loan is repaid, you can then reinvest in another small business.

Because Money Reference List

Here is a list of the articles we used as the foundation for our conversation on this week's episode of the Because Money Podcast.

OWN. GROW. PROTECT. First Foundation is the one-stop-shop for financially responsible Canadians looking to get great advice and save money. Whether arranging financing for a property you OWN, or looking…

Learn more about First Foundation