Spring (the blog) and Week 33 - Canadian Financial News at it’s Finest [List]


This week the media focused a lot on the Canadian housing market. Despite Finance Minister Jim Flaherty's best efforts to cool the Canadian Housing market, The housing market seems bent on defying him. The picture that is painted this week is:

"The Canadian Housing Market is like a roller coaster climbing a track, everyone expects it to drop hard and fast, but it just keeps climbing." @kiltedbroker

Anyway, I certainly don't think we are in for a crash like what happened to the US market, but "nothing really going on in the Canadian housing markets" doesn't really sell newspapers. If there is one thing I have learned about media is, consume articles with a grain of salt, they don't get paid for a smooth ride.

I have made a list of the top 12 stories dealing with Canadian finance from week 33 (can you believe we are already in week 33), you can find that below, however, first I would like to share an amazing article from a financial blogger in Ontario.

Finance Blog of the Week

Sandi Martin of Spring (the blog) writes some amazing articles on personal finance. I have been following Sandi for a few months now and love how she approaches finance. In her latest blog "How (Not to Consolidate Debt)" she makes some great points.

"it doesn't matter what method you use to pay off debt, or if you use any method at all. What matters is that you stop creating new debt." Sandi Martin

Make sure you give Sandi's blog a read, you won't regret it. Anyway, on to the top financial news articles of the week. If there is a story that I have missed, please feel free to add it to the list. Also, make sure you vote up or down the stories you like or dislike.

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