Recent Potash Scare & The Saskatchewan Housing Market with Bill Madder [List]


With the recent news that potash prices could drop by up to 25%, I decided to give Bill Madder a call to discuss how this could potentially affect the Saskatchewan housing market. Bill Madder is the CEO of the Association of Saskatchewan REALTORS® and has 34 years experience in Real Estate.

Here is the conversation Bill and I had on a Google+ Hangout, a reference list, some great quotes from Bill and a Saskatchewan housing market report. Enjoy!

"We have seen some moderation in Saskatchewan, however we are in a strong market, we are up 5% from 2012 and should continue to increase." Bill Madder

"Real Estate statistics should be considered locally...

Just because the overall provincial market is up 5%, doesn't mean that your property is up 5%. You have to break it down by region, city and even neighbourhood." Bill Madder

Re Potash: "I would be a little cautious about going to chicken little right away...

however IF the worst case scenario plays out, it will have a modest effect on our economy. Potash makes up 4.5% of our provincial royalties, Saskatchewan is a pretty diverse economy, we are certainly nowhere near a collapse!" Bill Madder

June Saskatchewan Provincial Housing Statistics

What are your thoughts? If the price of potash falls considerably, how do you think will this affect the housing market in Saskatchewan? Please comment below!

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