10 Smart Moves to Secure Your Car & Lower Insurance Costs


Welcome back to the #owngrowprotect blog! Today, we're thrilled to have Elyce Cartier, one of our seasoned insurance experts, share some invaluable insights. In her latest piece, Elyce breaks down how some straightforward actions can safeguard your vehicle and help contain your insurance premiums. Thanks to Elyce for these helpful tips!

EC: "Keeping your car safe and your insurance costs down doesn't have to be complicated. Here are some simple yet effective ways to protect your vehicle and help ease the financial pressure on your wallet. Let’s get started!"

  1. Steering Wheel Locks: A Simple Deterrent. A good old steering wheel lock is not just a deterrent but a statement that you’re serious about protecting your vehicle.
  2. VIN Etching: Mark Your Territory. By etching your vehicle's VIN onto its windows, you make it less attractive to thieves and more identifiable if stolen.
  3. Smart Key Protection: Outsmart the Thieves. Storing smart keys in signal-blocking pouches prevents high-tech thieves from getting a free ride.
  4. Wise Parking Choices. Opt for well-lit, secured parking spots to reduce the risk of theft or vandalism.
  5. Invest in a Reliable Car Alarm. A robust alarm system can be the difference between a secure car and a targeted one.
  6. Home Security: Your Car’s First Line of Defense. Enhancing your home security also protects your vehicle, especially from key theft.
  7. GPS Tracking: Your Safety Net. A vehicle tracker can swiftly reunite you with your car if it’s ever stolen, potentially saving you from a hefty claim.
  8. Regular Maintenance: Prevention is Better Than Cure. Keeping your car in top shape can prevent accidents and, subsequently, claims.
  9. Defensive Driving: Knowledge is Power. A defensive driving course not only improves your skills but can also lead to fewer accidents and claims.
  10. Yearly Insurance Reviews: Keep It Fitting. An annual review of your insurance coverage ensures you’re only paying for what you need, reflecting your current lifestyle and driving habits.

By taking proactive steps towards vehicle safety and security, you're not just protecting your car; you're also contributing to lower insurance claims and, as a result, more favorable premiums for everyone. It’s about making smart choices today that lead to savings tomorrow.

Stay safe and drive smart!

If you have any questions about these tips or any other insurance matters, don't hesitate to click here to contact Elyce or any of our dedicated agents. We're here to help you protect what matters most.